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On the road – leaving the privileged bubble

On the road – leaving the privileged bubble

Waking up with the magnificent view of the lake. The smell of summer obscures reality. A reality outside your bubble. Outside your privileged bubble, your comfort zone. A physical and ideological construct, determined by different social discourses, such as race, gender, and social class. An environment where we can feel accepted and that offers us the opportunity to escape the cruel realities in this world. Shaped by factors such as our network, family, and friends, as well as social media.

Realizing that having a ‘bubble’ is a privilege, as most people on this planet don’t have the possibility to escape, indeed demands effort, education, and persistence. Realizing that even if we are all sharing this one global map, we are living in different worlds. Worlds that are full of racism and sexism. Socially constructed problems that demand the highest level of effort and commitment to be overcome. It won’t be possible to fully reverse the damage we have caused, but we must aim to resolve it as best we can. So how can we leave our bubbles, broaden our horizon, and seek different perspectives that can facilitate a change?

  1. Evade confirmation bias
    First and foremost, to subdue a bubble mindset it is to avoid confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, and recall information that confirms and supports our prior personal beliefs and values. To avoid this trap, take a moment to ask yourself what would have happened if you’d make an opposite choice. Consider the information that supports other perspectives and compare it with your previous decision to seek for a more differentiated perspective.
  2. Connect with people outside your social network
    It can be a good start to follow people on your social network accounts who are supporting information on more equality and fairness. Actively observe their posts and ideas and seek a more open-minded spirit.
  3. Become a mindful listener
    Being aware of the factors that we listen for and we listen to can empower us to change our listening habits and improve our relationships. Mindfully listening requires us to comprehend what another person is actually saying. It is important to read between the lines and to use all our senses to engage in a conversation.
  4. Create meaningful dialogue
    I believe, the key to an expressive conversation is focus, empathy, and vulnerability. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner and the conversation to the center of your mind. To establish a safe space, it will be beneficial to focus on a more empathic and vulnerable expression.

None of us can change the world all by ourselves but making small amendments in our own lives and encouraging others to do the same. We can – and have to make a change on this planet.

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Author: Antonia Benecke
Editor: Kat Nivera

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