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The true meaning of Valentine’s Day: spread the love

The true meaning of Valentine’s Day: spread the love

Valentine’s day is coming up! For some, this day is just an ordinary day, but for others, the day is all around going big and extravagant for their loved one.

post18-1Traditionally, the 14th of February is the celebration of saint Valentine, a roman priest who married young couples against the wishes of Emperor Claudius II. This is why this day is considered to be ‘THE day of love’. Valentine’s day, however, does not only have to be about romance…

There are many different types of love and there is a lot to go around! This day is dedicated to love, so show your appreciation to all the people who mean a lot to you. Don’t just pamper your boyfriend or girlfriend, but also pay some extra attention to your friend, neighbor or parents.
Show your love and appreciation to your old friends from home and your new friends, who have made your time in university and Rotterdam worthwhile. You could go out of your way to make a small dinner or a chill night with tasty appetizers. Get your roommates some chocolate and have a movie marathon. Get your dad a card, your mom some flowers or your siblings a bag of candy. Oh and don’t forget to treat yourself. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, it is the thought that counts. The opportunities topost18-2 show your love are endless, so make sure you do so this valentine’s day!
Most importantly, spread love, joy and happiness to your community. With all the hate that’s going around in the world and people being banned from entering a country to see their loved ones, make sure to show support to anyone in need of love and compassion.

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How are you going to spread love this valentine’s day?

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