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The NFS Fashion Show – leaving a bold impression

The NFS Fashion Show – leaving a bold impression

It goes without saying that the Annual Fashion Show was like a cherry on the cake, culminating the whole Erasmus Fashion Week with a night to remember. It was not only a celebration for the people who spent hours crafting ideas for the collections and planning the week, but also for those coming to enjoy fabulous fashion and seek some new inspiration.

On May 12, the show officially started and took place at Jack Rotterdam. The venue fueled the show with its feel-good loveliness, red tones of light and hanging disco balls. It was easy to see that people had brought their ‘A-game’ in terms of clothing. Many were wearing fancy outfits, which made them stand out and receive great attention. We saw people making appearances with trench coats, some adopting a more sexy and revealing look with cut-out dresses, while others played a safer bet with track pants and basic hoodies instead, to name a few. Especially, the front row seaters evaluated the show behind their oversized sunglasses and quiet talks, giving the scene a more serious mood as the show was about to begin. 

Seated in the second row, not only were we able to take a close look at the crowd’s outfits, but we also managed to enjoy all of the good fashion showcased on the runway as the show began. Throughout the 4 sets – which were streetwear, cocktail dress, high fashion, and avant-garde – there was continuously something new that caught our attention. As the sets progressed the music changed and likewise did the pace of the models. During the first set, the models walked determinedly down the runway at a fast pace, while turning around powerfully at the end of the runway to pose for the many photographers. It was a forceful set full of excitement as people grasped the models with their eyes and were hit by the loud beats of the music. Later, the sets became slower, here the models took their time as they walked past the audience. This allowed the viewers to really notice the special makeup, jewelry and shoes. The incorporation of bold and unique colours was especially enjoyable. Orange and cobalt blue cheek bone makeup caught our attention. Essentially, the later sets called for more reflection as the models looked museful and contemplating as they walked past us again and again.

We were impressed by the clear skills demonstrated at the event. The New Fashion Society is a student-run organisation and the fashion show is the ultimate event for upcoming student designers and makeup artists to show their individual styles. Many outfits came in new shapes with puffy sleeves, army-like vests and different cut-out forms, which the designers surprisingly managed to fit together in just 4 themed sets. It must have required much collaboration to agree on such bold and complete colour schemes for the clothes and makeup, yet the designers definitely succeeded in doing so. We noticed how pastel green sequins also made the runway multiple times, yet these seemed to stand out from the colour scheme the most. This notion highlights how well incorporated the other strong colours of blue, orange and red were, as they seemed to fit naturally in the show. 

The smiles on the organiser’s faces and the many rounds of applause tells us that the organisation and its people are much appreciated. With the event coming so wholesomely together at Jack Rotterdam, it made sense that some had brought both friends and family to come and see. For designers and other artists, the New Fashion Society definitely seems like the place to be. It is a safe environment in which talent and individuality are appreciated, yet help, guidance and collaboration also seem to be at the core of the organisation. Actually, the NFS is currently looking for new board members in case you feel inspired… 

We think most people got motivated from the show to go home and experiment with embroidery and colours to add that extra sparkle to their looks. Maybe it was the calm spring night and its temperature, or the expectations in the room that turned the venue into a small bubble of extra for the night. Because it certainly was. Overall, narratively and visually speaking, the music selection, the makeup style, the models, and the collections worked very well with each other, generating dynamic aesthetics that left the audience with a full impression. 

Authors: Monique Veni Jørgensen and Quynh Trang Le

Editor: Phoebe Elliott

Visuals by: Magali Meijers


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About the New Fashion Society, it is a student-run fashion organization that collaborates with student designers to create fashion shows throughout the year. It’s a place where people can express their deep-seated love for fashion, and exercise freedom and individuality in design, while still having the room to develop themselves and learn from others. 


The New Fashion Society is currently looking for new board members. Do not hesitate to apply if you wish to become a part of the vibrant and talented team – they will greatly appreciate your interest. 


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