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IBCoMagazine’s Final 2019/2020 Publication

IBCoMagazine’s Final 2019/2020 Publication

This is our final website publication for the 2019-2020 academic year and my final publication as the copy editor of the website. If you’re still reading this, thank you for sticking with us through this crazy year.

I would not have been able to run this website without the content of my lovely bloggers, and I would like to dedicate this final word to them. For dealing with my feedback, late-night texts, and obsessive use of the suggestion function on Google Docs, thank you for making my dreams as an editor come true. I hope you can say you feel like you’ve grown as writers in your time at the IBCoMagazine and that you will have fond memories of being bloggers. I certainly feel like I’ve grown but I know there’s a long way for me to go.

The IBCoMagazine is one of my most treasured achievements and we will continue to work hard and improve on the magazine as best we can in the coming years. The 2019/2020 Editorial Board would like to give its best wishes to the 2020/2021 Board and know that we are rooting for you. Keep reading, keep supporting us because we are here to create, and we always will.

See Also

Love, Kat

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