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INSPIRATION: difficult to get but easy to find

INSPIRATION: difficult to get but easy to find

We all know that Instagram is a source of endless inspiration. Whether you need some creative motivation or just some fascinating ideas, there is always something for you on the gram. You can scroll infinitely through your own timeline or even on the discover page, hoping to stumble upon the right inspiration source. Nevertheless, sometimes you already have a rough picture of what you want, or you know the exact thing you are looking for, but it still needs to be visualised… Then look no more, this is exactly what this blogpost is for!

Upcoming are some inspirational accounts and tags on Instagram that will definitely spark some creativity for your next vision board, scrapbook or bullet journal page.


I. Colours

There are a lot of accounts on Instagram that post the most gorgeous colour palettes. Based on cities, landscapes or plainly based on a certain ‘vibe’, there is always something for you! 

You can use these photos for inspiration while decorating your home, or when reorganising your wardrobe and/or fashion style. Colours can be used for anything and certain colour combinations work very well for energising or even relaxing – and this differs per person. Therefore, go take a look and let yourself be inspired!

My personal favourites are the accounts that make colour palettes of movie scenes! Some examples of tags are:

  • #cinemacolour
  • #coloursofnature
  • #colourlover


II. Backgrounds

This includes backgrounds for your phone, but also decorations for journal pages and notebook covers. Backgrounds can be a combination of shapes, colours, figures and letters, but also photo collages or aesthetically pleasing illustrations. It can be inspiration for decorating your personal journal or a good and general idea for the designing of your own online content. Backgrounds are essential and they can be used for everything, so here are some nice accounts! 

  • #journalspread
  • #wallpaperwednesday
  • #bulletjournaling


III. Inspiration

Lastly, inspiration in general can be hard to find. As mentioned before, however, everything can be found on Instagram! Travel inspiration, home decoration inspiration, workout inspiration, leisure inspiration, relaxation inspiration and… so… on…

See Also

  • #travelgram
  • #homeinspiration
  • #inspirationcultmag
  • #workoutoftheday
  • #inspirationpoint


Author: Renée Mötter

Editor: Gwendolyne Cheung

Illustrator: Hahn Tran 

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