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IBCoM Awards 2021

IBCoM Awards 2021

The IBCoM Awards are the perfect opportunity to celebrate our fellow students and courses at Erasmus University. This year, the Awards yet again showed appreciation to our diverse and hardworking students, dedicated teachers, our interesting (or weird) courses, friendships we have created during our student time, and much more. After not being able to celebrate this event last year due to the now infamous Covid, this celebration was much appreciated, and the event was still bustling with energy and good ambiance. The hosts, Magali and Imran, guided us through the evening with fun and entertaining speeches (and great outfits). 

Next to the speeches, the music performances really made an impression on the audience. The first performance by Maaike and Cathelijne moved everyone with their cover. Maaike also performed her self-written song, which touched many hearts in the audience. The next performance was by Aisya and her bandmates, they played a fun and upbeat song that was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Both performances gave a glimpse into the talented students of IBCoM, and the amazing performers helped create an unforgettable evening for their fellow friends and students. 

Even though the winners were of course voted for the most, the other nominees were also very popular among our students and were sometimes surprised by the outcome. However, the winners are very much deserving of their titles. Here are the winners of the following awards:

“Most inspiring course” went to International and Global Communication by Etienne. Although there were a few mixed feelings, you cannot deny the strong impact of this course and teacher on students. The award for “best teacher” was received by Chiara Modugno. Even though not all students could possibly have experienced both the course and the teacher, they still touched the hearts of the students they taught and were therefore deserving winners. 

For prizes among the students, the winner of the “style icon” was of course our lovely host, Imran. Voted as “IBCoM’s sunshine” was the lovely Lisa Unsever. She always brings a smile to anyone she meets and therefore can rightfully claim this title. The prize for “best lab partner” went to Sarah Fletcher, for which she addressed all the “slackers” in her speech, saying “you’re welcome!”. She has helped a lot of people through some challenging times by working hard and keeping her and her partners heads held high! For IBCoM’s very own “influencer”, Hannah Saddy was the most popular candidate. She told us not to underestimate the power of TikTok, and regarding her profile on the app, I think these words are to live by. The prize for “career tiger” went to the lovely but more importantly, hard working Anisha de Vries. She inspires everyone with her work ethic as she juggles two bachelors, study associations, internships and her social life. This award could not be more fitting for her! 

The award for best “IBCoMpanion duo” was given to Hanna Bauer and Julia Baranowska. These girls really guided their first years through their first few months and very much deserve this prize for their hard work. The “social butterfly” was received by Ciaran O’Hanlon. Although you might not know

him, you must have heard of him via fellow friends or classmates! “Most successful slacker” was happily received by Defne Şerbetçioğlu, who proudly took the award. The “IBCoMedian” of 2021 is Neville Lala. If you ever need a good laugh, he is the person to go to! And last but not least, with everyone having deep appreciation for the winner of “best summary writer”, which was received by Giovana Bressan de Oliveira. Everyone, including me, can say that her summaries have helped me pass my exams with flying colors!

This event was, although strictly for our course purposes, also a breath of fresh air for most students. It was a reason to dress fancy and meet fellow students and friends outside of the university setting. It also acknowledged the friendships and connections we have made with each other these past years.

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We all went home with a fun and warm feeling, of seeing everyone smile and laugh, and enjoy ourselves in these challenging times of our student careers. Even though we have to wait until next year for the next IBCoM Awards, we still have the pictures of this year’s unforgettable night! 

Author: Phoebe Elliott

Editor: Anisha de Vries

Visuals by: Esmée Lieuw On

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