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Effortless and Femininity

Effortless and Femininity

What is it to be a woman? It is to perform. To always be pretty, but you can’t know you are pretty. Always making sure you don’t take up too much space, just in case a man wants to stand. Always be nice, but not too nice or you are leading him on. Don’t be shy, men like confident women, but don’t be too loud or think you know too much. Your purpose is to change men for the better, soothe them like children, explain their feelings to them, but if they hurt you that’s just how men are. You can’t blame them if they break you , because they don’t know better, even though they know everything else better than you. Have your female friends heal the wounds that men caused you, but don’t say you hate men because that is just rude and not fair, because not all men!

Paint your face and sculpt your body so you can finally be worth something. The irony is that women will always be sexualised in one way or another, but you just have to learn how to be sexualised in the right way. Follow the rule book and you will find the biggest reward a woman could ever imagine, a man in her life. How come I only feel worthy when I am in their gaze. Only feel of value when you honour me with your attention, just to feel it slip away from me the moment your eyes find something new. It does not matter if it is a father, a boyfriend or a stranger on the street, women will bend until they break to keep up the illusion of being effortlessly feminine.

Writer: Elisha Janda

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