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A self-help book recommendation for a gloomy day 

A self-help book recommendation for a gloomy day 

On a daily basis, when one is already overcrowded with their social calendar, self-help books are often not everyone’s cup of tea, including myself. However, self-help books can also be the solution to our turbulence or simply a mental support whenever we are feeling low. After spending quite some time browsing through Goodreads, I thought of sharing a list of self-help recommendations for you, which might come in handy whenever you feel like picking up a self-help book for a therapeutic experience. Hence, on a gloomy, grey-cloud day, when you feel overwhelmed with all the stress that adult life is hitting you, grab a self-help book that you put away for as long as you can remember, or check out these recommendations I composed to get motivated and pull through. Let’s get started!


7 Habits of the Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

By the time you are reading this blog, this book might already have been your all-time favorite, or at least you might have heard of this classic long enough to have already given it a try after all the hype (which I think it’s worth it). Stephen Covey has reflected his economist perspective onto his advice, emphasizing the key element to achieve success is having the right mindset. Throughout 381 pages of his best-selling work, there were 7 essential habits illustrated and explained to be life-changing for all readers who are willing to apply. Challenges then, would not seem so challenging after all. 


Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Another habit-setting encouraging book that I came across with such a high rating score but approached the issue from another angle. In Atomic Habits, the author discussed how bad habits form a behavior system, which tempted humans to fall back to their cycle while preventing good habits from taking place. Being praised for its practicality and applicability, Atomic Habits can be the guidance that you might find useful to take notes. I wouldn’t want to spoil all the tips that the book has to offer, so I’d say pick it up if you haven’t!


Quiet by Susan Cain.

As an introvert myself, I cannot stress enough how much I enjoy her writing that reminds me to embrace the introvertedness instead of suppressing it. In a world where extroverts are ideal, she explained how introverts might suffer from a sense of inferiority. Her arguments were also supported from different scientific standpoints as well as real-life examples that she included in the book, all to demonstrate to you that introversion can be the strength. Believe me when I say this is the book for all of my introverted peers out there. If you are more of an outgoing person, I believe it brings no harm reading this book and has a better understanding of the other side of the world, doesn’t it?


Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport.

The impact of the digital world, the “noise” of the oversaturated digitalization…, as a media student, we can’t be any more familiar with such concepts. Falling within that topic, Digital Minimalism explored to what extent digitalization can be too much that it becomes the noise of our lives. Sometimes, it is the overwhelming online life that causes us to be exhausted. Apart from growing dependent on technology and the Internet, the author suggested several “unplug” initiatives that can guarantee to help us gain a much more quality time spent in the offline world. 


See Also

I hope that I have given you a nice inspiration for your future reading. Do you have an idea of the next self-help book that you would pick yet? 


Author:  Rachel Nguyen 

Editor: Gwendolyne Cheung

Illustrator: Roos de Waard 

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