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How to make the best of your (birth)day when you’re dying at work

How to make the best of your (birth)day when you’re dying at work

Thinking of my birthdays in the past, they were always a lot of fun. I was never into celebrating them, but I would get to spend a day surrounded by those who cared for me. Which is all I could ever really ask for.

This year, however, I spent my birthday at my internship, working 9-to-5 in Amsterdam. While it’s definitely a fun experience, saying that every single day is awesome would be an exaggeration. So that day, I had to make the best of the situation at hand. Are you in dire need of some inspiration, too? These tips may help:

  1. Make your commute something worthwhile. Traveling from Rotterdam to Amsterdam is no easy feat, but I got through it by catching up on some TV shows and getting myself a coffee in the morning. This simple act kept me awake all the way until my stop and ensured I didn’t miss work.
  2. When at work, make things a little more fun for yourself. Usually when I’m having a bad day (i.e. I didn’t sleep enough) I blast a lot of music and take breaks from non-stop writing to doodle a little on paper. Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, maybe even grab a snack. For my birthday, my editor helped me decorate my desk, which made for a really lively environment.
  3. Food! If you’re having a drab day, food can be the key. At my office, we have lunch as a collective, so I made some rad eggs on toast with hot sauce, and used some leftover Easter sprinkles to create a sweet treat. Sometimes going out of your way to make your meals appealing is relaxing, too. Plus, it made for a rad addition to our Snapchat story that day.
  4. Make plans after work! Honestly, if you’re going to have to spend the day with people you don’t know very well, you might as well meet up with friends and family after to just have a little bit of fun. The night before, I went to KINO to see the premiere of Get Out (very much recommended!) and the day of I traveled home where my mother made a vegetarian feast and peanut butter chocolate muffins. Mm. I slept very well that night.

The transition to adult life is not an easy one. If you’re having a drab day, be it at university or work, or if a day like your birthday isn’t going the way you planned, you can lift yourself up. As said on one of the greatest TV shows of all time, Parks and Recreation: “Treat Yo Self!”

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